Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Mr. Nand Kishore


Mr. Nand Kishore, Chairman of the Company, is a 1981 Batch Officer of Indian Audit and Account Service. He retired as Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General (Dy. CAG) in the rank and pay of Secretary to Government of India. As Dy. CAG he looked after audit of Defence, Railways and Communications ministries of Government of India including their departments and public sector units.

Mr. Kishore holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) degree from University of Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee) and is also a Certified Internal Auditor from The Institute of Internal Auditors, Florida, USA.

Mr. Kishore is currently the Chairman and Managing Director of Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Limited. In addition, he is also Director on the Boards of IL&FS Engineering and Construction Company Limited, Noida Toll Bridge Company Limited, IL&FS Infra Asset Management Limited, IL&FS Financial Services Limited, IL&FS Securities Services Limited, Road Infrastructure Development Company of Rajasthan Limited, IL&FS Tamil Nadu Power Company Limited and IL&FS Energy Development Company Limited

Mr. Subrata Kumar Mitra

Non-Executive , Non-Independent Director

Mr. Subrata Kumar Mitra have been on Board of Directors and Committees of several reputed companies in diverse industries as an Independent Director and an Advisor to a large international bank including few PE firms and Start Up firms.

Mr. Mitra holds M.Sc degree from University of Calcutta and an MBA from the USA

Mr. Mitra has also been associated with several international and domestic NGOs, Committees and Chambers in India. He is a regular contributor of articles in reputed domestic and international financial publications and have delivered talks in domestic and international forums. He is currently India Correspondent for Asia Asset Management, Hong Kong.

In addition, he is also a Director on the Boards of IL&FS Engineering and Construction Company Limited, AGS Transact Technologies Limited, PPFAS Asset Management Private Limited, Inditrade Fincorp Limited, Roadstar Investment Managers Limited, Centrum Broking Limited (CN), Asirvad Micro Finance Limited.

Dr. Jagadip Narayan Singh

Non-Executive , Non-Independent Director

Dr. J.N. Singh, IAS (Retd) of 1983 Batch, completed his tenure as the Chief Secretary of Gujarat State in November 2019 after more than three years.

He is a graduate from Jawaharlal Nehru University and Ph.D from MS University. He is also a Management graduate from the Asian Institute of Management, Manila, Philippines.

He has held many important portfolios including Collector & District Magistrate, Junagadh, Member (Administration), Gujarat Electricity Board, Joint Secretary, Government of India, Member(Finance) National Highways Authority of India, MD Sardar Sarovar Nigam Ltd, Addl. Chief Secretary in several departments like Revenue, General Administration and Finance before being promoted as the Chief Secretary of Gujarat State.

Dr. Singh has served largely in Infrastructure & Finance Sector having handled Industrial Infrastructure, Power, Telecom, Highways, Water and State Finances. During his tenure, Gujarat witnessed rapid growth in Industrial Sector and seen highest investments from abroad.

Dr. Singh guided and steered several companies during 2016-2019 as Chairman of Gujarat Alkalies and Chemical Ltd, Gujarat State Fertilizers Corportaion Ltd, Gujarat Narmada Fertilizers Corportaion Ltd, and Gujarat Gas Limited and as Managing Director of Gujarat State Petronet Limited. During his Chairmanship, Gujarat Gas was acknowledged as Top 5 wealth creators during 2019.

In the road and highway sector Dr Singh worked as Member Finance of National Highway Authority of India. His tenure witnessed the maximum growth in PPP projects as also the maximum expansion of road sector compared to the earlier periods.

Under the overall guidance of Hon Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, Dr Singh was closely associated with the construction of the Statue of Unity- the tallest statue in the world- in his capacity as Managing Director of Sardar Sarovar Nigam.

Presently, he is a Director on the Boards of Roadstar Investment Managers Limited, IL&FS Engineering and Construction Company Limited and Nimbark Fashions Limited

Dr. Rajeev Uberoi

Independent Director

Dr. Rajeev Uberoi is a career Banker with more than 35 years of experience in both public and private sector and foreign banks. As a Lawyer and a Banker, he has been instrumental in number of mergers and acquisitions namely, ANZ-Grindlays and Standard Chartered Bank, Standard Chartered Bank and American Express Bank, IDFC demerger into Bank. Dr. Uberoi is also a profound writer and has a lot of publications to his credit.

Dr. Uberoi possesses degrees in LL.B, M.A. (Economics), Ph.D. (Philosophy) and MBA Ph.D. in Economics.

Presently, he is a Director on the Boards of Aurionpro Solutions Limited, Shalimar Paints Limited, Jindal Stainless Limited, IL&FS AMC Trustee Limited, The Investment Trust of India Limited, Roadstar Investments Managers Limited, Aurionpro Payment Solutions Private Limited, Faarms Global Techventure Private Limited, FAARMS Technology Pte. Limited, Singapore.

Mr. Kaushik Modak

Non-Executive, Nominee Director

Mr Kaushik Modak is a Chartered Accountant. During his career spanning over 25 years he has held several senior positions in Marquee Institutions like Kotak Mahindra, Bank of America and Rabobank. He has a wide experience across Treasury, Capital Markets, Mergers and Acquisitions and Corporate Banking. Prior to his current assignment Mr Modak was CEO & Country Head of Rabobank India.

Kaushik Modak is currently the Chief Executive Officer of IL&FS Financial Services Limited. In addition, he is also Director on the Boards of IL&FS Investment Managers Limited, IL&FS Portfolio Management Services Limited, IL&FS Securities Services Limited, IL&FS Energy Development Company Limited and IL&FS Tamil Nadu Power Company Limited.

Mr. Kazim Khan

Non-Executive, Nominee Director

Mr. Kazim Raza Khan brings over three decades of rich professional experience in the infrastructure and construction sectors. He joined the IL&FS Group in December 2005 as Assistant Vice President at IL&FS Transportation Networks Limited (ITNL) and served as Senior Vice President and Regional Head for South and West India until January 2019. Following this, the newly appointed IL&FS Board entrusted him with the role of Business Head in 2019 and subsequently, as the Chief Executive Officer of IL&FS Engineering & Construction Company Ltd. (IECCL) on May 16, 2019. Under his leadership, IECCL has achieved a remarkable turnaround, restoring its position as a going-concern company.

Mr. Khan holds a Master's degree in Business Administration with specializations in Finance and International Trade Management and a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering. He has also completed executive management programs, including the Top Management Development Certification from IMD, Switzerland and the Top Leadership Program from AIM, Philippines.

He is a Life Member of the Indian Road Congress and possesses extensive expertise in the construction of highways, airfields, rail and metro systems, irrigation, power projects, high-rise buildings, ports, oil and gas facilities, and World Bank-aided projects, including Public-Private Partnership (PPP) initiatives.

Presently, he is a Director on the Boards of Road Infrastructure Development Company of Rajasthan Limited and Noida Toll Bridge Corporation Ltd.

Key Managerial Personnel

Mr. Danny Samuel

Chief Executive Officer

Mr Milind Gandhi

Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Krishna Ghag

Company Secretary

Composition of Audit Committee

Mr. Subrata Kumar Mitra

Non-Executive , Non-Independent Chairman

Dr. Jagadip Narayan Singh

Non-Executive , Non-Independent Member

Mr. Nand Kishore


Dr. Rajeev Uberoi


Composition of Stakeholder's Relationship Committee

Mr. Subrata Kumar Mitra

Non-Executive , Non-Independent Chairman

Mr. Kaushik Modak


Mr. Rajeev Uberoi


Composition of Nomination & Remuneration Committee

Dr. Jagadip Narayan Singh

Non-Executive , Non-Independent Director

Mr. Subrata Kumar Mitra

Non-Executive , Non-Independent Director

Mr. Nand Kishore


Composition of Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

Dr. Jagadip Narayan Singh


Mr. Nand Kishore


Mr. Kaushik Modak


Investor Grievances
Mr. Krishna Ghag
Vice President & Company Secretary
IL&FS Transportation Networks Limited
IL&FS Financial Centre,
Plot C-22, G Block,
Bandra Kurla Complex,
Mumbai - 400 051

Tel.: 022-26593782
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